SocialX rebrands, offers users new social DeFi and NFT experience

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News / NFT
SocialX has been noticed by industry-leading players. Its new management is giving it a whole new look, with a massive re-branding and new offers. SocialX is about motivating users to mine its SocialX (SOSX) token. Social mining lets users actively engage in social media activities, learning about firms and companies while earning income. Users view the latest ads and share them on social media, invite at least one person to the SocialX platform, then log in to their SocialX accounts and claim SOSX tokens.

There is no limit on how much users can social mine. The more active users are, the more they earn. Daily sharing and referring new users can increase SOSX earnings a thousand-fold.

SocialX is more than a social mining economy and ad marketplace: The platform has activities to gamify the user experience.
Ox game

Ox is a IRL game where SOSX tokenholders propose different dares. As a community-based game, the decentralized autonomous organization votes on the dares, and the top three are shortlisted. A single, final one is selected with a pool prize for it.

The first contestant  to successfully complete the dare and upload video evidence claims the pool prize, starting at $1,000 and potentially growing to $1 million.

The corporate ad space is the perfect tool for firms and projects to promote their platform and services. Using SocialX’s innovative pull-marketing tool, firms can rent posts on SocialX to promote themselves. Gaining free SOSX compels users to view and share the ads, creating a secondary ad outreach without active effort by the firms.

NFT projects can also run a special staking mechanism on SocialX, where people who buy NFTs can stake unique tokens on SocialX and be rewarded with SOSX tokens.

SocialX lets users mint and stake NFTs, freeing them from dependence on corporate-level NFT-staking options. The staking awards offer users a new income stream from NFTs that would otherwise sit idle in their wallets.