Blockland Solutions Conference Cuts Through Hype of Today's Biggest Tech Topics, Shares Practical Ways to Stay Relevant and Manage Change

Blockland, a community-wide movement to establish a blockchain and cybersecurity ecosystem in Cleveland and make Northeast Ohio one of the top technology centers in the United States, today announced details for its 2019 Blockland Solutions Conference. The conference, presented by KeyBank and MCPc, will take place at the Huntington Convention Center of Cleveland from December 9 to 11, 2019. A special 33-percent-off ticket discount is currently being offered until December 2.

Nucleus Vision Launches Global Identity and Consent (GIDC) Blockchain Network

Nucleus Vision, an IoT & Blockchain technology company serving the retail industry, launches GIDC (Global Identity and Consent) blockchain network for consent-based data access management. The private multi-node blockchain network gives power to users to control who can access their data. Nucleus Vision announces the launch of this network at Genesis DevCon, a blockchain conference held in Bangalore, India, on 24 & 25 November.

Ready for TON Integration, Minter to Enable Multi-Signature Scheme With First Major Upgrade

Two-and-a-half million blocks since the launch of the main network, Minter Network has announced that it will release a major upgrade to its blockchain once it has passed all checks on the test network and been approved by the validators. According to the announcement, one of the proposed features—multi-signature addresses—will lay the groundwork for integration with Telegram Open Network (TON) and introduction of atomic swaps.