Magic Craft Aims to Continue its Domination With New Listings, NFT Marketplace and an Eventful Roadmap

Magic Craft intends to give an innovative turn-based war universe as one of the forthcoming MMORPG games in the blockchain gaming world. Players can earn in-game tokens, acquire awards, and stake them by playing in either the PvE or PvP modes. ‘Castle Sieges’ is the focus of the game. Clans go to the battlefield every week, killing each other, stealing loot, conquering castles, and claiming the title of King. Top global gaming studios are working on the game, and the team hopes to deploy a fully integrated NFT Marketplace by the first quarter of 2022. By the second quarter of 2022, an alpha version of the game with PvE and PvP play-2-earn systems will be available. The spoils of war are awarded in the form of MCRT to the winners.